Monday, May 3, 2010

Chinese Cyber Backdoors

Is it possible, that having so many, if not all of our computer hardware components being made in other countries, that backdoor access are built directly into our computers? If there is such a hidden portal that allows direct access to all of our computers, would we even know? What if one of the countries, and I’m just going to throw this out there; like the Chinese government, told China’s computer component makers that they wanted a special feature that is secretly incorporated into every computer , and communication device that leaves the country; would we ever know? What protocols have been put in place by our government to insure our security from U.S. companies that chase cheaper overseas manufacturing? I’m not suggesting that China has any type of remote control of all of the computers they export, I’m just saying; what if they do? 

I once read that China told Microsoft; “Before we can allow the distribution of Windows in the Chinese market, we need to make sure that the U.S. government hasn’t inserted code that allows your government to spy on Chinese computers.” They demanded to view all of Window’s code for security reasons or they would refuse Windows in China; Microsoft conceded. The U.S. banking association made the same request and was declined. Microsoft has never said the Windows is a security operating system that will protect your information; Windows is a cheap down and dirty operation system that will get you what you need without any claims of protecting your personal information. The defense department, banks and security companies, and everyone else chose price over security and purchased Windows, and of course I do too for my company.

I only used China as an example because they have the resources in terms of making the programs, hardware, and enough people to monitor every computer in America. In fact, there are 1.3 billion people in China, and only 300 million in the United States; this means that if the Chinese government were so inclined, they could assign 1 worker to monitor the computer in the United States, or every computer in the world. I’m sure they are not, but WOW!

They are not, right?

source : Douglas Chick

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