Monday, November 23, 2009

Conquering "Incurables" with Microcurrents!

"A suppressed medical breakthrough now apparently
guarantees anyone total power to reverse previously
“incurable” diseases INCLUDING HIV and CANCER with a
simple electronic device".  - Dr. Robert Bob Beck

March 20, 1997

“Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened”.
Winston Churchill

Dear fellow researcher, (HIV only)

This "theoretical" (keep it legal… ) information is yours now. But before you start, you may wish to get aPCR test (count of active HIV cells in blood) and a second one 90 days after completion of
neutralization. Some show dramatic drops, a few show negative HIV counts. However in most cases symptoms vanish or decrease dramatically regardless of test results.

Several subjects (but not all) have shown a NEGATIVE PCR test (polymerase chain reaction; K. Mullis,1983) after completion (indicating no more active HIV detectable in blood.) But it's normal for common HIV antibody tests to remain the same even after complete remissions, just as you will always carry specific antibodies if you’ve once had childhood diseases like measles, chicken pox, or mumps. Many other diseases including cancer may vanish with electrification and silver colloid ingestion, plus ozone water detoxification.

This very slight and mild electrification of your blood does not kill any viruses or harm normal blood cells. Instead, the minute currents appear to alter and inhibit the ability of the outer protein layer of the virus to attach to lymphocytes (reverse transcriptase process) This blocks the binding of the HIV virus with the host cell (Thymic-T lymphocyte; CD4 T-helper cells) so the virus is thought in effect to be neutralized, immobilized and eventually eliminated from the body. Rate of recovery is the product of current intensity multiplied by time of exposure. (Kaali; with Lyman and Merkatz; 1994 paper.)

This communication describes a safe and tested procedure for interrupting HIV reproduction. But you MUST avoid ingesting any medicinal herbs, domestic or oriental, since blood electrification causes electroporation of cell membranes and can thus cause tremendous increase of molecular transport into cells resulting occasionally in extreme and toxic overdosing. Allow one week to eliminate herbs and other medications from body before blood electrification. (See J.C. Weaver, Havard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:426-435; 1993.)

With AIDS, be prepared for a temporary initial DROP In T-cell count due to lysing (dissolution) of previously infected white cells by treatment-destroyed HIV and its subsequent scavenging by
macrophages since tests count both healthy and infected cells. Also some patients do not test PCR negative however practically all will experience a dramatic decrease in symptoms. T-cell counts CD4 (T4) may recover and continue to rise dramatically after a few months since tests count both healthy and infected cells.

When discussing your recovery, please refer to all data and claims as “hypothetical” to avoid
entanglement with FDA and legal constraints forbidding use of the word “cures”. If you follow instruction precisely, avoiding herbs and toxic medications, and de-toxify properly YOU may be symptom free in a few months, safely and surely. We have numerous reports of complete recoveries when all instructions are followed.

Please share your results with me so as to assist others. Your name will not be used. We still have nothing for sale. So you have nothing to lose since there is nothing to purchase except a few parts.

With highest regards, and good luck!
Bob Beck 

p/s: For further info about blood electrification, you can download Dr. Becks detailed report "Take Back Your Power!" at the knowledge sharing section

Friday, November 20, 2009

12 Tips to Maintain a Virus Free Computer

Is your computer infected with virus? Do you often get mysterious error messages? Well this is a common problem faced by almost all the computer users across the globe. There are many viruses and worms out there that could infect your computer. Some are harmless, but, they do have the capacity to do any number of nasty things, up to and including, erasing all data from your computer. However there are ways to keep viruses away from your PC. Here are the 12 tips to maintain a virus free computer.

1. Email is one of the common ways by which your computer can catch a virus. So it is always recommended to stay away from SPAM. Open only those emails that has it’s origin from a trusted source such as those which comes from your contact list. If you are using your own private email host (other than gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.) then it is highly recommended that you use a good anti-spam software. And finally NEVER click on any links in the emails that comes from untrusted sources.

2. USB thumb/pen drives is another common way by which viruses spread rapidly. So it is always a good habit to perform a virus scan before copying any data onto your computer. NEVER double-click the pen drive to open it. Instead right-click on it and select the option “open”. This is a safe way to open a pen drive.

3. Be careful about using MS Outlook. Outlook is more susceptible to worms than other e-mail programs, unless you have efficient Anti-Virus programs running. Use Pegasus or Thunderbird (by Mozilla), or a web-based program such as Hotmail or Yahoo (In Firefox).

4. As we all know, Internet is the main source of all the malicious programs including viruses, worms, trojans etc. In fact Internet contributes to virus infection by up to 80%. So here are the tips for safe surfing habits so that you can ward off virus infection up to the maximum extent.
Don’t click on pop-up windows that announce a sudden disaster in your city or announce that you’ve won an hourly prize. They are the ways to mislead Internet users and you should never trust them.
You can also use a pop-up blocker to automatically block those pop-ups.

5. Most of us use search engines like Google to find what we are looking for. It is quite obvious for a malicious website to get listed in the search results. So to avoid visiting those untrusted malicious websites, you can download and install the AVG LinkScanner which is a freeware. This tool can become very handy and will help you to stay away from malicious websites.

6. Install a good antivirus software and keep it updated. Also perform full system scan periodically. It is highly recommended that you turn on the automatic update feature. This is the most essential task to protect your PC from virues. If PC security is your first option then it is recommended that you go for a shareware antivirus software over the free ones. Most of the antivirus supports the Auto-Protect feature that provides realtime security for your PC. Make sure that this feature is turned on.

7. Install a good Antispyware program, that operates against Internet malware and spyware.

8. Never open any email attachments that come from untrusted sources. If it is a picture, text or sound file (these attachments end in the extensions .txt, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .mp3, .htm, .html, and .avi), you are probably safe, but still do a scan before opening.

9. Do not use disks that other people gave you, even from work. The disk could be infected with a virus. Of course, you can run a virus scan on it first to check it out.

10. Set up your Windows Update to automatically download patches and upgrades. This will allow your computer to automatically download any updates to both the operating system and Internet Explorer. These updates fix security holes in both pieces of software.

11. While you download files from untrusted websites/sources such as torrents, warez etc. make sure that you run a virus scan before executing them.

12. And finally it is recommended not to visit the websites that feature illegal/unwanted stuffs such as cracks, serials, warez etc. since they contribute much in spreading of viruses and other malicious programs.                                                        

Monday, November 2, 2009

Walimatul Urus

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