Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keracunan Makanan

Apa itu keracunan makanan? 

Keracunan makanan ialah apa jua penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pengambilan makanan atau minuman yang tercemar.

Dilaporkan bahawa terdapat 6624 kes keracunan makanan pada tahun 2003 (kadar insiden 26.44/100,000 penduduk).
Apa yang menyebabkan keracunan makanan?

Punca keracunan makanan :

  • Bakteria atau racun (toksin) bakteria tersebut dan virus 
  • Bahan kimia seperti racun serangga dan racun rumpai
  • Logam berat seperti tembaga, raksa dan plumbum 
  • Tumbuhan dan hasil laut yang beracun seperti kulat, cendawan dan hasilan laut bercengkerang seperti kekerang

Apakah tanda dan gejala keracunan makanan?

Tanda dan gejala keracunan makanan bergantung kepada : 
Keracunan tersebut
Kuantiti/jumlah bakteria, virus atau agen penyebab toksin yang telah dimakan
Umur seseorang
Sistem ketahanan badan (imuniti) seseorang

Pesakit itu mungkin akan mengalami :

  • Rasa loya 
  • Cirit-birit 
  • Muntah-muntah 
  • Sakit perut 
  • Berpeluh/demam
  • Sakit kepala

Apakah yang menyebabkan terjadinya keracunan makanan?

Antara sebab terjadinya keracunan makanan ialah:

  • Makanan ditinggalkan pada suhu bilik untuk tempoh yang lama (lebih dari 4 jam) 
  • Makanan tidak dimasak dengan sempurna 
  • Makanan tidak disimpan dengan baik (makanan yang mentah di disimpan bersama dengan makanan yang telah dimasak) 
  • Makanan yang telah sejuk tidak dipanaskan dengan sempurna 
  • Makanan yang beku seperti daging tidak dinyahbekukan dengan sempurna sebelum dimasak 
  • Memakan lebihan makanan secara terus tanpa dipanaskan dengan sempurna 
  • Kaedah penyediaan makanan yang tidak bersih 
  • Makanan tersebut disediakan oleh orang yang menghidapi atau pembawa penyakit yang disebarkan melalui makanan seperti typhoid dan taun

Bagaimana untuk mengelakkan keracunan makanan?

Cara-cara untuk mengelakkan keracunan makanan: 

Sentiasa menjaga kebersihan 

  • Basuh tangan dengan betul sebelum menyentuh makanan
  •  Basuh tangan selepas keluar dari tandas 
  • Basuh dengan bersih permukaan tempat makan atau penyediaan makanan dan peralatan yang digunakan untuk menyediakan makanan 
  • Pastikan kawasan dapur bebas dari serangga dan haiwan seperti tikus dan haiwan-haiwan yang lain 

Sentiasa pisahkan makanan mentah dari yang telah dimasak: 

  • Asingkan daging ayam dan makanan laut yang mentah dari yang telah dimasak
  • Gunakan peralatan seperti pisau dan papan pemotong yang berbeza untuk penyediaan makanan yang belum dimasak 
  • Simpan makanan yang telah dimasak dan yang mentah didalam bekas yang berbeza untuk mengelakkan dari pencemaran silang 

Sentiasa masak dengan sempurna 

  • Masak dengan sempuna, terutama sekali daging, ayam, telur dan makanan laut 
  • Panaskan makanan atau lebihan makanan dengan sempurna 

Sentiasa simpan makanan pada suhu yang betul 

  • Jangan tinggalkan makanan pada suhu bilik lebih dari 4 jam 
  • Simpan semua makanan yang telah dimasak dan yang mudah basi didalam peti sejuk 

Sentiasa gunakan air dan bahan mentah yang bersih 

  • Minum hanya air yang telah dimasak atau air minuman yang dibotolkan/berbungkus. 
  • Pilih makanan yang segar dan berkhasiat 
  • Basuh buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran dengan sempurna jika dimakan mentah (ulam, salad) 

Sentiasa pilih kedai makan yang bersih jika makan diluar 

  • Hindari dari gerai/kedai makan yang kotor

Apa yang perlu saya lakukan jika mengalami keracunan makanan?

  • Segera ke klinik atau hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan 
  • Simpan makanan yang disyaki untuk siasatan oleh pegawai kesihatan 
  • Pastikan tiada orang lain makan makanan tersebut 
  • Maklumkan dengan segera Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah yang terdekat

p/s: gambar sekadar hiasan

sumber : myhealth

Think Before You Click!

Social networking on such Web sites as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or any number of others has grown into a hugely popular online community activity created for the simple purpose of helping people keep in touch.

With that growth, however, has come a dark side to social networking—cybercriminals and scammers seeking to exploit the information that people provide.

“It’s very easy to download spyware or viruses if you click on the wrong link or download,” warns David Gewirtz, a cyberterrorism advisor to the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals and author of a recent report, The Dark Side of Social Networking. “Once one of these programs runs on your computer, it can do anything—capture credit card numbers, bank accounts, keystroke access—it runs the gamut right down to launching bots that attack other computers.”

Then there is the issue of personal security. “Most of us have somebody we’d rather avoid,” Gewirtz says. “Whether it’s someone you simply don’t want to talk to, an ex-girlfriend who’s stalking you, someone who really means you harm—the last thing you want to do is help them find you.” Yet, people regularly use Twitter or Facebook to provide a moment-by-moment account of their activities. “There are a lot of crazies out there,” Gewirtz warns. “You don’t want to give them a roadmap of where you are going to be and how to get to you.”

The security and safety dangers of social networking are exuberant. According to several reliable reports, it has been discovered without a doubt that unwanted and dangerous software programs are spreading through social networking sites. The dangers of social networking sites are so severe and serious that some people are literally making the decision to stay off them due to the dangers involved. Facebook can be said to have become Facebot and the facebook dangers are huge.It must be emphasized that the numerous dangers involved are both social and technical. Social networking sites are becoming the new way of targeting people online and gaining their personal information for their own selfish intentions. It is crucial that every person who belongs to a social networking site understands the dangers and risks involved.

Here are only some of the many dangers of social networking sites:

URL spoofing-URL spoofing involves one website posing as another website for malicious reasons. Eg: People create fake Facebook pages.

Phishing-Phishing refers to high tech scams using fake websites with actual brands created in order to steal valuable personal information.

Botnet attacks-Botnet attacks are very serious. A botnet creator is able to control an army of infected computers secretly via a means eg: Facebook.

Identity theft-Identity theft is literally a way of stealing someone else's identity and using it for a variety of purposes including financial.

Storm worm attacks-A storm worm attack can be used to trick people by providing fake information about the FBI and Facebook.

Child identity theft-Child identity theft is literally stealing the identity of a child and using it for your own personal gains.

Trojans-Trojans plant themselves on the user's computer, and the moment you log onto a social networking site, it sends automatic invitations to everybody on the users contact list.

Cyberstalking-Cyberstalking is literally harassing and following another person online. Social networking sites open up many doors for cyber stalking

Social networking also carries risks when it comes to an individual’s professional life, as well as the company he or she works for. When communicating information online, says Gewirtz, don’t post anything that could potentially damage your employability: confidential information, company gossip, presenting your employer in a negative light—any of these posts could land you in serious trouble. “With social networking, anyone can become a company spokesperson simply by the things they say online,” Gewirtz says. “A random statement read by the wrong person could be interpreted as company policy. That can come back to haunt the employee, not to mention the corporation.”

Hot on the heels of the news story detailing how Essex office worker Kimberley Swann lost her job because she described it on Facebook as ‘boring’ comes evidence that firms are cracking down on workers who misuse the internet during office hours. ‘Employers are not prepared to tolerate misuse of the internet generally, but especially in the current climate,’ says employment law partner Mark Hatfield. ‘With businesses struggling and redundancies rife every job and every hour counts. Staff who idle away on the internet are wasting valuable time which should be being deployed to maintain company efficiency and productivity. To enforce proper IT use, it is critical staff are told exactly what the company internet policy is so no one is in any doubt about its importance and what the punishments are.’

But problems with your Facebook profile can begin even before you get a job. Apparently,more than 360 British universities search for applicants online, carrying out free background checks on applicants via online searches; checking their social networking sites, reading blogs they have commented on, and looking at pictures they have uploaded onto the web.“These statistics highlight how important it is for people to monitor their online reputation and be aware of what image they are portraying on the net. It is no longer enough for a student to have straight A’s and strong reports, if they party every night of the week and write inappropriate comments on a blog, they could be hindering their future opportunities,’ says Steffen Ruehl, CEO and Co-Founder of yasni.co.uk used by both Oxford and Cambridge to do checks on prospective applicants.

Meanwhile, in the work place it is not just recent grads who are abusing internet access at work; even more senior staff do it. ‘Staff who idle away on the internet are wasting valuable time which should be being deployed to maintain company efficiency and productivity,’ Says Mark Hatfield. In order to stop this happening, Lloyds TSB, Goldman Sachs, and Credit Suisse have all banned the use of Facebook during office hours. Mark Hatfield believes rules covering internet use should be written into all company policy. However, until that happens, here are some rules (courtesy of Jenny Ungless, Monster career coach) every employee should follow to keep out of trouble.

David Gewirtz advises that when it comes to your business and professional life, if you wouldn’t put it in a press release, don’t put it on Twitter or Facebook. Think before you type. Ask yourself: “Is this something that is going to reach out and haunt me in the future?”

“People should not be afraid of online social networking; used correctly, it can be extremely valuable,” Gewirtz says. “These are amazing networking and communications tools. But they are not toys, and you are publishing not just to friends and family. When you post on a social networking site, you’re posting to the world.”

Safety suggestions for Facebook:

  • Restrict your Facebook friends.
  • Invest in good antivirus software.
  • Adjust your privacy settings.
  • Do not impulsively click on links.
  • Be careful what applications you download.
  • Install a good firewall.
  • Make people"limited friends".
  • Do not simply enter your password.
  • Be aware of sites that may randomly appear.
  • Do not enter personal information into sites connected to Facebook.
  • Be smart about what you write online. If you want to write negative comments, make sure they’re justified or within reason, don’t come across as a negative person.
  • Be careful what you write about yourself. Don’t draw attention to bad behaviour for all to see.
  • Don’t be caught out by pictures posted online. Don’t call in sick the day after your birthday if your friends are likely to post incriminating pictures of you the night before.
  • Separate business from pleasure if necessary. Use social sites such as Facebook for friends and add colleagues to professionally-geared sites such as LinkedIn.

THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK. Does the world really need to know what you had for breakfast, who John was dissing round the water cooler yesterday, or who you had a snog with last night? Sometimes discretion really is the better part of valour.

source : pc1news , themhedajournal and realworldmagazine

Monday, April 12, 2010


Palestina Enggan Tunduk

Kami selalu berbondong dalam kubah rasa takut, juga

cemeti yang rajin melecut, berjalan lurus menuju plaza

tanah perjanjian itu. Kami selalu memaklumi diri sebagai

prajurit dengan pemimpin sebayang impian untuk sampai

pada Jalan Keselamatan, Darussalam yang tak pernah diketahui

titik bujur dan lintangnya dalam perjalanan hidup kami.

Kami selalu menjadi hikayat sebelum dilahirkan, dan tak

terbaca lagi nama kami setelah kematian. Kami adalah sebuah

garis takdir yang beredar pada orbit di luar peradaban, bermandi

debu dan darah, bermain peluru dan granat, yang kisahnya

senantiasa dibaca penuh hikmat oleh hampir seluruh umat,

dielu-elukan dalam puisi yang gemetar, meski mereka hanya

melihat secara samar-samar

Mungkin di jejak pendahulu kami ini ada sisa sujud untuk


Perjalanan tak putus pandangan adalah shaf-shaf gaib yang

gema suara imamnya terlampau lirih untuk dicatat

pada buku perdamaian. Mereka belum sempat mendengar jelas

untuk menuliskan maklumat, terburu tinta itu kesat

Kota itu, entah apa namanya, telah mengubur dirinya

dalam timbunan jenazah kami

sumber : sepanjangbraga

p/s : untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana cara anda boleh turut serta dalam memberi bantuan kepada rakyat Palestin, sila lawati Aman Palestin

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who Invented the Internet?

Answer : No one person invented the Internet as we know it today. However, certain major figures contributed major breakthroughs:

Leonard Kleinrock was the first to publish a paper about the idea of packet switching, which is essential to the Internet. He did so in 1961. Packet switching is the idea that packets of data can be "routed" from one place to another based on address information carried in the data, much like the address on a letter. Packet switching replaces the older concept of "circuit switching," in which an actual electrical circuit is established all the way from the source to the destination. Circuit switching was the idea behind traditional telephone exchanges.

Why Packet Switching Matters

The big advantage of packet switching: a physical connection can carry packets for many different purposes at the same time, depending on how heavy the traffic is. This is much more efficient than tying up a physical connection for the entire duration of a phone call. And for services like the World Wide Web, where traffic comes in bursts, it's essential.

What if Google needed a separate modem and phone line to talk to every user, like an old-fashioned BBS (Bulletin Board System)? Handling millions of users would be prohibitively expensive.

With packet switching, packets destined for thousands or millions of users can share a single physical connection to the Internet.

J.C.R. Licklider was the first to describe an Internet-like worldwide network of computers, in 1962. He called it the "Galactic Network."

Larry G. Roberts created the first functioning long-distance computer networks in 1965 and designed the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the seed from which the modern Internet grew, in 1966.

Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf invented the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which moves data on the modern Internet, in 1972 and 1973. If any two people "invented the Internet," it was Kahn and Cerf - but they have publicly stated that "no one person or group of people" invented the Internet.

Radia Perlman invented the spanning tree algorithm in the 1980s. Her spanning tree algorithm allows efficient bridging between separate networks. Without a good bridging solution, large-scale networks like the Internet would be impractical.

"What about Tim Berners-Lee? Didn't he invent the Internet?"

The Internet was well-established before Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau created what is now its most popular application. A major achievement? Of course! But we don't ask why Karl Benz doesn't get some of the credit for inventing the wheel. We understand that the wheel was around before the car.

For more information, see my articles what is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? and who invented the World Wide Web?

"What about Al Gore? Did Al Gore invent the Internet?"

No, former United States Vice President Al Gore did not invent the Internet. What's more, he never said he did!

Al Gore's political contributions to the development of the Internet as we know it were quite significant. For more about this issue, including what Gore really said and how some of the Internet's actual inventors feel about his remarks, see my article Did Al Gore invent the Internet?

"What about Philip Emeagwali? Wasn't he a father of the Internet?"

No. Emeagwali did supercomputing research in the eighties. But his work did not relate to the Internet in any meaningful way. He contributed to no Internet standards, major or minor. Unfortunately he has made public claims that suggest he contributed to the development of something he had nothing to do with. For more information and complete references, see my article Is Philip Emeagwali a "Father of the Internet?"

By 1983, TCP was the standard and ARPANET began to resemble the modern Internet in many respects. The ARPANET itself was taken out of commission in 1990. Most restrictions on commercial Internet traffic ended in 1991, with the last limitations removed in 1995. For a much more complete history of the Internet, see the website of the Internet Society.

Note that the Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing. See also: who invented the World Wide Web?, What is the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet? and See also Hobbes' Internet Timeline for another excellent history of the Internet which includes later important events.

NOTE TO STUDENTS: THE INTERNET WAS NOT INVENTED BY ONE PERSON OR GROUP OF PEOPLE. THERE IS NO ONE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE. I get a lot of email about this. If I gave you just one name, my answer would be completely wrong. Writing down one name on a test will probably get you a bad grade. If your teacher says that one person invented the Internet, show them this page. And don't forget, the Internet and the World Wide Web are NOT the same thing. See What is the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet?

Source : boutell 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Mum's Love

Click image to enlarge