Monday, November 23, 2009

Conquering "Incurables" with Microcurrents!

"A suppressed medical breakthrough now apparently
guarantees anyone total power to reverse previously
“incurable” diseases INCLUDING HIV and CANCER with a
simple electronic device".  - Dr. Robert Bob Beck

March 20, 1997

“Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened”.
Winston Churchill

Dear fellow researcher, (HIV only)

This "theoretical" (keep it legal… ) information is yours now. But before you start, you may wish to get aPCR test (count of active HIV cells in blood) and a second one 90 days after completion of
neutralization. Some show dramatic drops, a few show negative HIV counts. However in most cases symptoms vanish or decrease dramatically regardless of test results.

Several subjects (but not all) have shown a NEGATIVE PCR test (polymerase chain reaction; K. Mullis,1983) after completion (indicating no more active HIV detectable in blood.) But it's normal for common HIV antibody tests to remain the same even after complete remissions, just as you will always carry specific antibodies if you’ve once had childhood diseases like measles, chicken pox, or mumps. Many other diseases including cancer may vanish with electrification and silver colloid ingestion, plus ozone water detoxification.

This very slight and mild electrification of your blood does not kill any viruses or harm normal blood cells. Instead, the minute currents appear to alter and inhibit the ability of the outer protein layer of the virus to attach to lymphocytes (reverse transcriptase process) This blocks the binding of the HIV virus with the host cell (Thymic-T lymphocyte; CD4 T-helper cells) so the virus is thought in effect to be neutralized, immobilized and eventually eliminated from the body. Rate of recovery is the product of current intensity multiplied by time of exposure. (Kaali; with Lyman and Merkatz; 1994 paper.)

This communication describes a safe and tested procedure for interrupting HIV reproduction. But you MUST avoid ingesting any medicinal herbs, domestic or oriental, since blood electrification causes electroporation of cell membranes and can thus cause tremendous increase of molecular transport into cells resulting occasionally in extreme and toxic overdosing. Allow one week to eliminate herbs and other medications from body before blood electrification. (See J.C. Weaver, Havard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:426-435; 1993.)

With AIDS, be prepared for a temporary initial DROP In T-cell count due to lysing (dissolution) of previously infected white cells by treatment-destroyed HIV and its subsequent scavenging by
macrophages since tests count both healthy and infected cells. Also some patients do not test PCR negative however practically all will experience a dramatic decrease in symptoms. T-cell counts CD4 (T4) may recover and continue to rise dramatically after a few months since tests count both healthy and infected cells.

When discussing your recovery, please refer to all data and claims as “hypothetical” to avoid
entanglement with FDA and legal constraints forbidding use of the word “cures”. If you follow instruction precisely, avoiding herbs and toxic medications, and de-toxify properly YOU may be symptom free in a few months, safely and surely. We have numerous reports of complete recoveries when all instructions are followed.

Please share your results with me so as to assist others. Your name will not be used. We still have nothing for sale. So you have nothing to lose since there is nothing to purchase except a few parts.

With highest regards, and good luck!
Bob Beck 

p/s: For further info about blood electrification, you can download Dr. Becks detailed report "Take Back Your Power!" at the knowledge sharing section

Friday, November 20, 2009

12 Tips to Maintain a Virus Free Computer

Is your computer infected with virus? Do you often get mysterious error messages? Well this is a common problem faced by almost all the computer users across the globe. There are many viruses and worms out there that could infect your computer. Some are harmless, but, they do have the capacity to do any number of nasty things, up to and including, erasing all data from your computer. However there are ways to keep viruses away from your PC. Here are the 12 tips to maintain a virus free computer.

1. Email is one of the common ways by which your computer can catch a virus. So it is always recommended to stay away from SPAM. Open only those emails that has it’s origin from a trusted source such as those which comes from your contact list. If you are using your own private email host (other than gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc.) then it is highly recommended that you use a good anti-spam software. And finally NEVER click on any links in the emails that comes from untrusted sources.

2. USB thumb/pen drives is another common way by which viruses spread rapidly. So it is always a good habit to perform a virus scan before copying any data onto your computer. NEVER double-click the pen drive to open it. Instead right-click on it and select the option “open”. This is a safe way to open a pen drive.

3. Be careful about using MS Outlook. Outlook is more susceptible to worms than other e-mail programs, unless you have efficient Anti-Virus programs running. Use Pegasus or Thunderbird (by Mozilla), or a web-based program such as Hotmail or Yahoo (In Firefox).

4. As we all know, Internet is the main source of all the malicious programs including viruses, worms, trojans etc. In fact Internet contributes to virus infection by up to 80%. So here are the tips for safe surfing habits so that you can ward off virus infection up to the maximum extent.
Don’t click on pop-up windows that announce a sudden disaster in your city or announce that you’ve won an hourly prize. They are the ways to mislead Internet users and you should never trust them.
You can also use a pop-up blocker to automatically block those pop-ups.

5. Most of us use search engines like Google to find what we are looking for. It is quite obvious for a malicious website to get listed in the search results. So to avoid visiting those untrusted malicious websites, you can download and install the AVG LinkScanner which is a freeware. This tool can become very handy and will help you to stay away from malicious websites.

6. Install a good antivirus software and keep it updated. Also perform full system scan periodically. It is highly recommended that you turn on the automatic update feature. This is the most essential task to protect your PC from virues. If PC security is your first option then it is recommended that you go for a shareware antivirus software over the free ones. Most of the antivirus supports the Auto-Protect feature that provides realtime security for your PC. Make sure that this feature is turned on.

7. Install a good Antispyware program, that operates against Internet malware and spyware.

8. Never open any email attachments that come from untrusted sources. If it is a picture, text or sound file (these attachments end in the extensions .txt, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .mp3, .htm, .html, and .avi), you are probably safe, but still do a scan before opening.

9. Do not use disks that other people gave you, even from work. The disk could be infected with a virus. Of course, you can run a virus scan on it first to check it out.

10. Set up your Windows Update to automatically download patches and upgrades. This will allow your computer to automatically download any updates to both the operating system and Internet Explorer. These updates fix security holes in both pieces of software.

11. While you download files from untrusted websites/sources such as torrents, warez etc. make sure that you run a virus scan before executing them.

12. And finally it is recommended not to visit the websites that feature illegal/unwanted stuffs such as cracks, serials, warez etc. since they contribute much in spreading of viruses and other malicious programs.                                                        

Monday, November 2, 2009

Walimatul Urus

Sila klik pada link dibawah bagi mendapatkan peta lokasi majlis:

Pak Su Corner Restaurant & Catering

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Singapore – from 3rd world to 1st world to LOST world

It has been 50 years since Singapore has been governed by the PAP under the leadership of Lee Kuan Yew. 

Is Singapore better off now than it was 50 years ago?

The answer from most baby boomers is that it is worse. Despite all the gains in materialism and wealth in the country, the majority of the ageing population is feeling no better off than five decades ago. Many are stressed out by the anxieties of the absence of a dignified retirement plan, the affordability of healthcare and the uncertain future for their children.

Fifty years ago, Singapore was a British Colony under British rule. The majority of the population neither liked nor disliked the British. They had no opinion and took it as part of life.

During the colonial days, most of the population then was born to accept that the white people were superior. The population then was mostly poor working class, lost without direction and living from day to day.

Fast forward fifty years to present day Singapore and we find the majority of the ageing population also neither like nor dislike the PAP and can’t do anything about it. Most of them were born to accept that the “Men in White” are superior. 

The PAP has over the years designed policies and safe guards to ensure that the party remains in power indefinitely. The indiscriminate use of the ISD, rezoning of constituencies, formation of GRCs, monopoly of the mass media and liberal use of defamation lawsuits against opponents practically destroyed all oppositions.

The aging population is generally poor, lost without direction and like the population fifty years ago, living from day to day, and praying that their savings will be adequate for a decent retirement.

To PAP’s credit, during the past fifty years, the old guards of the PAP and MM Lee managed to bring Singapore from an improvised third world country to first world status.

I remembered I was then living in a small rented room in a Chinatown shop-house with only one kitchen, one makeshift bathroom and one pull out bucket toilet. The shop-house was shared with 4 other families with a total of 22 occupants. Within fifteen years I was able to buy a 5 room HDB apartment and own a car. For that I was grateful to the PAP, especially the old guards.

Back then in the seventies, Singapore was bustling with economic activities brought about by Dr. Goh Keng Swee, then Deputy Prime Minister, who led the Singapore industrial revolution.

For the next few decades, Singapore was hailed by the world as an economic miracle. A country without natural resources and yet able to propel itself from 3rd world status to 1st world status with one of the highest incomes per capita in Asia. The country achieved so many “Number Ones”, i.e. No 1 airport, No.1 container port, No.1 airline, etc, etc. that I lost count. We were proud as citizens of Singapore.

We were proud of the PAP and we were proud of MM Lee. Many of us would have died for the country and him. MM Lee would have left a great legacy for generations to remember.

Ironically the past two decades has eroded that admiration. The addiction of absolute power has made MM Lee develop a deep craze to perpetuate his control of Singapore. It was no longer our country.

Singapore has become his country, his personal property. Our pledge for justice and equality for all is only but an aspiration according to him. To MM Lee, only he and the PAP can effectively govern Singapore.

All others outside of PAP with opposing views are treated as Public Enemies. Under the disguise of self renewal and recruiting new blood, the entire group of old guards were retired except for himself. He brought in young bureaucrats, technocrats, and scholars who will obey and above all fear him without question.

This dream team and MM Lee initiated a series of social engineering. MM Lee’s dream is to create a perfect society based on meritocracy. There will be no room for complacency. He wants Singaporeans to be the best of the best.

In the process of social engineering, Singapore becomes a nanny state where the government dictates to its citizens what, how and when to do in every minute aspect of their lives. The ideal dreams of the ordinary citizens turned to nightmares. The citizens are hard pressed to perform to the government’s requirements.

The education system was revamped time and again to filter and segregate the slow learners from the ordinary and the brightest students at a young age.

The brightest students are given the best education, priorities and scholarships with promise of top government jobs and top salaries upon completion of their studies.

These super students are primed to be future leaders of the country. The slow learners and the ordinary students are thrown to the lower rungs of the food chain. 

The numerous new education policies cause panic amongst parents who do not want their children to be labeled as slow learners or mentally challenged.

There is a huge surge for private tuition whereby children are forced to endure hours of extra studies to keep up or be one step ahead of the others in their pursuit of academic excellence. The joy and happiness of growing up as children was robbed. There was no time for children to be simply children. The segregation system is based on an unscientific assumption that if students do not perform well in examinations, they will not do well in all aspects of their lives.

Maids are hired by almost every household in order for parents and children to devote more time to studies. The repercussion of the overuse of maids results in a generation of children not knowing how to do simple chores like boiling water, washing dishes, cleaning, hanging a picture frame, changing a tyre, etc. Few children learn or do anything outside of textbooks. The children are simply not street smart..

Perhaps the biggest mistake was the “STOP AT TWO” or “Two is Enough” campaign where citizens were encouraged to stop at only having two children by curtailing all medical benefits and educational privileges of the third child.

The successful campaign resulted in a sharp drop in birth rate and a mass exodus of emigrants who have more than two children. Even more severe repercussions surfaced two decades later resulting in the present huge influx of more than one million “Foreign Talents”, mainly from China and India.

Just when the local citizens thought that they have met the worst by working as janitors, food courts cleaners and other low paying jobs, they are now challenged by foreign talents from China and India who are prepared to work for less.

This challenge has now spread to include regular higher paying jobs like engineers, surveyors, healthcare workers, etc which are traditionally held by local born Singaporeans.

Companies are openly advertising and recruiting the new foreign talents in preference to the locals. The reason being that companies need to stay competitive and be more profitable.

New immigrants or foreign talents are not burdened by national service and reservist duty which put additional cost to the companies. Furthermore, new immigrants are willing and able to work for less pay and longer hours since most of them come to Singapore by themselves and have no family obligations like the locals.

The entire working environment is working against the local born Singaporeans. All of a sudden they have become strangers in their own land.

The country they have sworn to protect has betrayed them. In desperate times like this, when help and reassuring words from the government should be forth coming, instead the local Singaporeans receive advice telling them to lower their expectations. This only adds insult to injury.

What the dream team and high salaried ministers fail to understand is that the people cannot go lower than low.. Just try to survive on a salary of $2,000 a month or less with a family, then maybe they may understand the plight of the average Singaporeans.

For those frustrated Singaporeans who want to emigrate to other countries to escape their present hopeless predicament, they are walking into another brick wall.

Unknown to most of them, new emigrants to countries like Australia and Canada are also foreign talents who have recently obtained their Singapore citizenship. It must be heart breaking for locals to find out that even the last escape route from their desperate predicament is being challenged by foreign talents who use Singapore as a stepping stone.

There are potential problems looming on the horizon with this huge influx of foreign talents, permanent residents and newly minted Singaporeans. The total number is between 1.6 million to 2 million people under these categories.

These people have no allegiance to the country. Their allegiance is to money. If they do not get employment, they will not get the money to send back to their countries to help their families.

The local born Singaporeans are largely of the “kaisu and kaisi” non-violent type who only complain but continue to vote in the same government election after election. However, the new immigrants are more vocal and hostile. These people will not be easily intimidated and bullied by the authorities. The threat of jail to them is like going to a holiday camp with free food and shelter. They have endured much harsher penalties and hardships in their own countries. They are battle hardened and not afraid of dying.

If these people do go on protest riots, it will be a security nightmare. Logistically, the police do not have enough manpower to cope with such numbers. Singapore has less than 10,000 regular policemen. Each policeman has to deal with 200 violent protesters. No matter how efficient the policemen are, it is an impossible task even if the reservist NS are called in to help. 

On the assumption that these people are contained, there are simply not enough jails to lock them in.

Changi Prison will have to be increased at least one hundred times in size. The government has only one solution and that is to keep them constantly employed to maintain peace.

So when it comes to the question of whether Singapore is better now than it was 50 years ago, should we be surprised at the answer?

p/s: credit to Cheong Wing Lee

About the Author: 
Cheong Wing Lee is an ex-Singaporean who is now living in Vancouver, Canada.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Aidilfitri ecard

N-six Aidilfitri ecard for download

Monday, September 14, 2009

Selamat Berlebaran

Terasa begitu pantas masa berdetik. Dan dalam tempoh kurang dari seminggu Ramadhan akan pergi. Apakah masih punya kesempatan buat kita untuk bertemu Ramadhan lagi? Walahualam. Namun sebagai mahluk tuhan yang berlumur dosa, kita hanya mampu berdoa dan berharap agar dianugerahkan keampunan dan kemahsyuran umur untuk bertemu Ramadhan buat kesekian kalinya. InsyaAllah.

Dan dipinggir Ramadhan Al-Kareem yang mengintai Eidulfitri Al- Mubarak ini, N-six dengan penuh kesedaran dan kerendahan hati memohon kemaafan kepada semua pihak jika sepanjang tempoh blog ini beroperasi terdapat mana-mana bahagian atau artikel yang menyinggung perasaan dan sensitiviti. Tidak pernah terlintas niat untuk menyakiti sesiapa melainkan hanya sekadar berpesan dan berkongsi tentang kebenaran.

Selamat berlebaran, maaf zahir dan batin.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Israeli Dates : Background and Action

In 2004 the International Court of Justice ruled that the “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal and an obstacle to peace and to economic and social development [... and] have been established in breach of international law.” (International Court of Justice Ruling, July 9, 2004). They are built on stolen Palestinian land.

Growing dates is one of the major agricultural activities carried out by nearly half of the illegal Israeli settlements located in the Jordan Valley. It is their most profitable crop, and contributes significantly to their economic viability.

Picking the dates is back breaking work, so the Israeli settlers bring in Palestinian labourers. During the pruning season the workers are dropped onto the date palm trees by a hoisting crane at 5 o’clock in the morning, left perched on palms that soar to a height of ten or twelve metres — the height of a three- or four-storey building — and left there swaying in the wind for up to eight hours without a break and with no means to come down until the crane returns at the end of the day. The workers cling to the tree with one arm and work with the other. They cannot even take a break to go to the toilet. If they complain or fall behind their quota they will lose their jobs and their families will starve.

More information: http://www.kavlaoved...eng.asp?id=2357

The Israelis also employ children, “even issuing them official work permits, as they are quick and light, can climb trees faster, work for less and it’s easier to cheat and humiliate them. Out of desperate poverty Palestinian families are forced to take their children out of school and hand them over to the settlers to work for a pittance.” (Source: Channel 4 news, 7 July 2008, and KavLaOved,

Most of the Israeli date crop, up to 80%, is exported, mainly to Europe where it has around 10% market share. In 2005, dates were Israel’s leading fruit export.

The two major Israeli companies involved are Agrexco and Hadiklaim.

Agrexco, half owned by the Israeli government, handles 60-70% of all goods produced in the settlements. Its dates have the brand names Carmel, Jordan Plains and Jordan Valley. Last September, a week before the start of Ramadhan, Carmel boasted in their press release that they had managed an early crop of dates in order to meet the Ramadhan demand for dates from Europe’s Muslims!

Hadiklaim sells 65% of all the dates produced in Israel. Its dates have brand names King Solomon and Jordan River. They also supply Israeli dates to supermarkets and retail chains who market them under their own brand names. These include Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury, Tesco, and Waitrose.

Sometimes they are labelled “produced in the West Bank,” but this just confirms they are grown in illegal Israeli settlements.

Peace activists who visited the Palestinian village of Fasayl in the Jordan Valley last year discovered that villagers are slowly being forced off their land by the Israeli army. The only livelihood left open to them is to work for Carmel Agrexco. The activists even spoke to two Palestinian workers whose land had been stolen and who were forced to work for Carmel in order to feed their families. “They had a message for the peace activists, a plea for anyone who would listen. They urged them to take action against Carmel Agrexco and such companies that support Israeli apartheid.”

See for where to buy fair trade Palestinian dates.

More info: and

Actions to take:

* Boycott Israeli Medjoul dates and all products which are labelled ‘Made in Israel’ or ‘Made in West Bank.’
* Write to or visit local stores (supermarkets or smaller shops), make the argument against Agrexco produce and raise awareness of what products and brand names to avoid.
* Speak to your local mosque and Muslim organisations in your area and ask them not to buy Israeli Medjoul dates to break the fast this Ramadhan.

p/s: credit to Faisal Tehrani for this useful article.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

p/s : credit to Mr. Safuan from Ranhill for the useful link

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tukang Besi yang Bangang

Berhati hati bila check besi...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Berbohong dan menipu (Bahagian 2)


Meskipun demikian hal ini tidak membuat resistansi menjadi hal yang remeh. Sebaliknya, dengan mengetahui pilihan yang kita miliki sangat terbatas serta membuat kita tidak dapat bertindak tanpa membuat replika dari kondisi yang coba kita kalahkan--hal ini yang membuat RESISTANSI menjadi sangat penting! Hal ini bererti "innocence/ketidakbersalahan" adalah mitos, sebuah konsep counter-revolusionari yang harus ditinggalkan bersama-sama dengan keseluruhan pemikiran pasca kristian. Kristian tradisional menuntut umat manusia menjadi "innocent/ tidak berbuat `dosa`." Pada saat yang sama "dosa" sangatlah sulit dihindari umat kristian (sebagaimana counter-revolusionari sangat sulit dihindari dalam kehidupan keseharian kita), hal ini hanya akan mengarah pada perasaan bersalah dan kegagalan bagi mereka yang percaya, dan hanya membawa seseorang pada suatu perasaan keputusasaan ketika menyadari dirinya tidak mungkin menjadi "innocent" dan "murni". Dampak pelarangan akan "dosa" dalam doktrin kristian hanya semakin membuat pengikut-pengikutnya tergoda dan tergelitik untuk melanggar hal tersebut; karena apapun yang coba dipendamkan oleh fikiran... akan tetap dicari oleh hati meskipun melanggar yang dilarang oleh otoriti. Melihat ini semua tentu saja kita harus belajar dari apa yang telah terjadi dengan orang-orang Kristian sehingga tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama--menuntut manusia terbebas dari kemunafikan, terbebas dari implikasi-implikasi yang disebabkan sistem, hanya akan menghasilkan kesan 

yang sama dengan tuntutan Kristian akan pembebasan umat manusia dari dosa: hal ini hanya akan menciptakan frustasi dan keputusasaan bagi mereka yang mencari perubahan, sekaligus membuat kemunafikan semakin menggoda untuk dilakukan. Daripada cenderung mencuci tangan dari implikasi sistem yang kita lawan, kita harus mengambil keuntungan efek-efek negatif yang tidak terhindarkan dalam hidup--dengan menawarkan aktiviti positif untuk menyeimbangkannya. Pendekatan bagi masalah ini akan menyelamatkan kita dari ketakutan akan kemunafikan atau rasa malu akan "kesalahan" --hal-hal yang membuat kita tidak dapat memobilisasi diri dengan baik. Lagipula, menuntut seseorang terbebas dari kemunafikan berarti menolak kompleksitas jiwa manusia. Hati manusia bukanlah hal yang sederhana; setiap mahluk hidup memiliki beragam variasi keinginan yang menarik mereka ke berbagai arah. Meminta seseorang hanya mengejar sebahagian dari keinginannya dan menghindari keinginan lainnya adalah sama dengan meminta orang tersebut selamanya tidak memenuhi keinginannya... dan membuatnya selamanya penasaran.

Hal - hal diatas merupakan kecenderungan tipikal pemikiran ideologi yang dogmatis dan telah mengakar kuat selama berabad-abad: memaksa satu individual menjadi loyal akan satu bentuk aturan dan hanya mengikuti dan setia sampai mati pada aturan tersebut menekannya untuk tidak melakukan apa yang ingin dilakukan dalam hidupnya. Mungkin benar kata orang bahwa keseluruhan dari "saya" dalam diri seseorang hanya dapat diekspresikan dalam bentuk kemunafikan. Tentu saja seseorang membutuhkan satu formula dalam acuan-acuan bagi keputusan yang ingin dibuatnya, tetapi sesekali tidak menggunakan acuan-acuan tersebut kadang mencegah stagnasi dan menawarkan kesempatan melihat apakah acuan-acuan tersebut masih valid atau memerlukan re-evaluasi? Seseorang yang tidak takut akan kemunafikan memiliki kemungkinan lebih kecil untuk "sell out/menjual dirinya", karena mereka pernah merasakan "buah terlarang" tanpa merasa terpaksa membuat pilihan kekal dalam hidupnya. Orang ini telah memiliki antibodi akan rasa malu dan keputusasaan yang biasanya mempengaruhi orang-orang yang melakukan pencarian lewat jalan "innocency/ketidakbersalahan."

p/s: poster di atas hanya sekadar hiasan

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Berbohong dan menipu (Bahagian 1)


Sistem yang kita hidupi sekarang ini dikendalikan oleh kebohongan. Pada saat ini tidak mungkin menghindari kemunafikan dalam perjuangan melawan status quo. Struktur ekonomi dan politik seharian kehidupan kita dibangun sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mungkin kebohongan tertinggal dalam semua hal yang kita lakukan. Sekarang ini tidak perduli apakah seseorang melihat kesempatan kerja merupakan satu keuntungan bagi dirinya atau keuntungan bagi sistem ekonomi itu sendiri, dia tetap tidak akan memiliki kesempatan lain kecuali bekerja dalam sistem tersebut, bila tidak ingin mati kelaparan atau mati terkena penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan karena tidak memiliki cukup wang untuk tunjangan kesehatan seseorang harus bekerja. Jika masih terdapat seorang yang tidak percaya akan kepemilikan harta dia tetap tidak memiliki pilihan lain selain membeli makanan dan pakaian yang didiperlukan serta menyewa tempat tinggal untuk hidup (hal yang diperlukan jika tidak ingin menghadapi masalah dengan sistem perundangan yang ada sekarang) kerana tidak ada lagi tanah bebas yang tidak dituntut seseorang, hampir tidak ada makanan atau sumber-sumber lain yang bukan "properti" milik seseorang. Kalaupun ada seseorang yang ingin mendistribusikan material mengkritik sistem produksi dan konsumsi kapitalis dia tidak bisa memproduksi dan mendistribusikan material tersebut tanpa membayar kos produksi produk yang dibuatnya--ia juga harus menjualnya pada para konsumer atau paling tidak menjual keratan-keratan iklan--hal yang mendorong orang lain untuk menjadi konsumer. Jika seseorang tidak ingin membiayai penyiksaan kejam dan pembunuhan binatang-binatang atas nama kapitalisme, dia dapat berhenti makan daging dan produk-produk yang dihasilkan binatang seperti telur dan susu, membeli produk-produk kesihatan yang tidak diuji pada binatang dan tidak lagi mengenakan jaket kulit dan bulu binatang; tetapi tetap saja masih ada unsur-unsur binatang dalam produk-produk seperti film dalam kamera yang pernah digunakannya untuk memotret sebagai bukti penyiksaan binatang yang dilakukan satu perusahaan ternak, juga tidak dapat disangkal terdapat unsur-unsur hewan dalam bagian produk video ALF yang dibangga-banggakannya--dalam kaset hardcore/punk yang sangat disukainya beserta ribuan benda-benda yang digunakannya dalam kehidupan moden sehari-hari, lagipula perusahaan dimana dia membeli sayuran dan buah-buahan yang dikonsumsinya juga merupakan bahagian dari jaringan perusahaan yang membuat dan mendistribusikan produk-produk makanan dari binatang, jadi tetap saja wang yang dibayarkannya jatuh ke tangan opurtunis bajingan yang membunuhi binatang demi gelembung pundi-pundi wang; belum lagi kenyataan bahwa sayur-sayuran yang akan dimakannya malam ini ternyata dipetik oleh pekerja - pekerja imigran dan buruh-buruh tertindas yang dibayar dengan upah yang sangat rendah. Budaya yang kita hidupi sekarang ini berakar kuat kerana mengindoktrinasisasi kita sejak masih bayi sehingga tidak memungkinkan tindakan-tindakan yang kita lakukan tidak terpengaruh asumsi dan nilai-nilai hal yang kita lawan. Setelah seumur hidup diajarkan untuk mendahulukan kepentingan kewangan akan waktu dalam hidup kita, sangat sulit berhenti melihat suatu aktiviti hanya berharga dikerjakan bila mendapat imbuhan materi. Setelah seumur hidup diajarkan untuk menghormati hirarki dan otoriti, adalah sangat sulit untuk berinteraksi dengan semua umat manusia dan melihatnya sama tanpa ada yang "lebih tinggi" atau "lebih rendah." Setelah seumur hidup diajarkan mengasosiasikan kebahagiaan adalah sama dengan menjadi penonton yang pasif, sangat sulit menikmati pembuatan perabot daripada menonton TV--dan tentu saja terdapat jutaan hal yang dapat membuat asumsi - asumsi diatas memanifestasi dirinya dalam tindakan dan pemikiran kita sehari hari.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Villager using Illegal Crossing

Kelihatan seorang makcik yg tidak mengetahui
dan ambil berat akan keselamatan diri..

Selambe rock je...mase tgh buat safety walkabout lak tu

Stone Column-Dry method at Pondok Tanjung

Stone Coulmn Works for ROB 5 at Pondok Tanjung

Marine viaduct progress

Progress for the month of July..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

H1N1 Song

Wash Your Hands


I don’t want you to touch me baby

You go to toilet never wash your hand right?


When you wash your body, wash your hands too

When you wash your body, wash your hands too

You don’t want to get swine flu, or  some want pass to you

You better wash your body, your body, your body


H1N1 is confirm no fun

Be careful where you go…. US or Mexico

If you have tempreture that’s mean you got fever

Don’t just take honey, this flu is not funny


Maybe it’s time to wear a mask

Maybe you have forgotten SARS

Whatever weather must bring thermometer

Stick it your armit or down there


When you wash your body, wash your hands too

When you wash your body, wash your hands too

Though the level is yellow, don’t be dirty fellow

You better wash your body, your body, your body


 When you wash your body, wash your hands too

When you wash your body, wash your hands too

Must wash after poo-poo or germs will stick to you

Wash more than your body, your body, your body


I know you use finger, don’t let the smell linger

I know you dig gold and on some pole

Scratch your backside think you can hide

You play your below, take ice from my milo


Maybe it’s time to be hygiene

Maybe you should be quarantined

Don’t be spreader, we stay clean together

We’ll pick kutus from each other’s hair


When you wash your body, wash your hands too

When you wash your body, wash your hands too

If you’re you infected, don’t blur block go Orchard

Don’t pass to somebody somebody somebody


When you wash your body, wash your hands too

When you wash your body, wash your hands too

Must wash after pang-jio, The wonders girls damn chio

They don’t want your body, your body, your body


Back in the days when we only took the bath monthly

Now looking  at you I feel, as sick as Kim Jong Ill

Your breath smell like kimchi, you see

There’s no vaccine Eugene, go wash your body3x

Wash your hands too

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Season of Life

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly.

So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.

The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen, but only one season in the tree's life.

He told them that you cannot judge a tree or a person by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season.

Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time.

Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire! Live Simply Love Generously Care Deeply Speak Kindly..

Leave the Rest to God Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong! Sorrows keep You Human! Failures keep You Humble! Success keeps You Glowing!

But Only God keeps You Going!

Share . . . This with . . .Your Friends!

Shared by a Friend from

thanks to hj Shamsul..

Monday, July 6, 2009

Project Management Jokes


A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display. While he was there,another customer walked in and said to the shopkeeper, "I'll have a C monkey please." The shopkeeper nodded, went over to a cage at the side of the shop and took out a monkey. He fitted a collar and leash, handed to the customer,saying, "That'll be $5,000."

The customer paid and walked out with his monkey. Startled,the tourist went over to the shopkeeper and said,"That was a very expensive monkey. Most of them are only a few hundred pounds. Why did it cost so much? "The shopkeeper answered, "Ah,that monkey can program in C - very fast,tight code,no bugs,well worth the money."

The tourist looked at a monkey in another cage. "Hey,that one's even more expensive! $10,000! What does it do?"

"Oh,that one's a C++ monkey; it can manage object-oriented programming,Visual C++, even some Java All the really useful stuff," said the shopkeeper.

The tourist looked around for a little longer and saw a third monkey in a cage of its own. The price tag around its neck read $50,000.The tourist gasped to the shopkeeper, "That one costs more than all the
others put together! What on earth does it do?"

The shopkeeper replied, "Well, I haven't actually seen it do anything, but it says it's a project manager".

Walking on the Beach

A project manager, software engineer, and hardware engineer are in Miami Beach for a two-week period helping out on a project. On their lunch hours, they often chose to walk up and down the beach. During one of these walks, they stumble upon a lamp.

The hardware engineer picks up the lamp and rubs it. A beautiful genie appears and says "Normally I would grant 3 wishes, but since there are 3 of you, I will grant you each one wish."

Since he was holding the lamp, the hardware engineer went first. "I would like to spend the rest of my life living in a huge house in St. Thomas, with no money worries and surrounded by beautiful women who worship me." The genie granted him his wish and sent him on off to St. Thomas.

The software engineer went next. "I would like to spend the rest of my life living on a huge yacht cruising the Mediterranean, with no money worries and surrounded by beautiful women who worship me." The genie granted him his wish and sent him off to the Mediterranean.

Last, but not least, it was the project manager's turn. "And what would your wish be?" asked the genie. "I want them both back after lunch," replied the project manager.

Types of Project Managers

If you get in my way, I'll kill you!

- ideal project manager

If you get in my way, you'll kill me!
- somewhat less than ideal project manager

If I get in my way, I'll kill you!
- somewhat misguided project manager

If I get in your way, I'll kill you!
- A tough project manager (eats glass, live cats, etc.)

If get kill in will way I you.
- dyslexic, functionally illiterate project manager

I am the way! Kill me if you can!
- messianic project manager

Get away, I'll kill us all!
- suicidal project manager

If you kill me, I'll get in your way.
- thoughtful but ineffective project manager

If I kill you, I'll get in your way.
- project manager who has trouble dealing with the obvious

If a you getta ina my way, I gonna breaka you arm.
- project manager from New York

I am quite confident that there is nothing in the way, so no one will get killed.
- project manager who is about to get in big trouble

If you kill me, so what? If you get in my way, who cares?
- weak, uninspired, lackluster project manager

If I kill me, you'll get your way.
- pragmatic project manager

Kill me, it's the only way.
- every project manager to date

p/s: credit to Arifin

Friday, July 3, 2009

Let the pic speak for itself

p/s: Thank's to Mr Zubir for the durians and credit to Mr. Khairul for this pic.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Proud To Be An Engineer

To all the engineers out there, hope these will cheer you all up.

1st story:

Eleven people were dangling below a helicopter on a rope. There were ten HR people and one engineer.

Since the rope was not strong enough to hold all the eleven, they decided that one of them had to let go to save all the others.

They could not decide who should be the volunteer. Finally the engineer said he would let go of the rope since engineers are used to do everything for the company. They forsake their family, don’t claim all of their expenses and do a lot of overtime without getting anything in return.

When he finished his speech all the HR people began to clap…can you imagine what happened then?.. :)

Moral: Never underestimate the powers of the engineer.

2nd story:

A group of engineers and a group of HR people take a train to a conference.

Each HR person holds a ticket. But the entire group of engineers has bought only one ticket for a single passenger. The HR people are just shaking their heads and are secretly pleased that the arrogant engineers will finally get what they deserve.

Suddenly one of the engineers calls out: “The conductor is coming!”. At once, all the engineers jump up and squeeze into one of the toilets. The conductor checks the tickets of the HR people. When he notices that the toilet is occupied he knocks on the door and says: “Ticket, please!” One of the engineers slides the single ticket under the doors and the conductor continues merrily on his round.

For the return trip the HR people decide to use the same trick. They buy only one ticket for the entire group but they are baffled as they realize that the engineers didn’t buy any tickets at all. After a while one of the engineers announces again: “The conductor is coming!” Immediately all the HR people race to a toilet and lock themselves in.

All the engineers leisurely walk to the other toilet. Before the last engineer enters the toilet, he knocks on the toilet occupied by the HR people and says: “Ticket, please!” (the HR people then pass the ticket to him..hehe)

And the moral of the story?

HR people like to use the methods of the engineers, but they don’t really understand them.

3rd story:

Once upon a time three HR people were walking through the woods and suddenly they were standing in front of a huge, wild river. But they desperately had to get to the other side. But how, with such a raging torrent? The first HR guy knelt down and prayed to the God:
“God, please give me the strength to cross this river!"

The God gave him long arms and strong legs. Now he could swim across the river. It took him about two hours and he almost drowned several times.
BUT… he was successful!

The second HR guy, who observed this, prayed to the God and said: “God, please give me the strength AND the necessary tools to cross this river!”

The God gave him a tub and he managed to cross the river despite the fact that the tub almost capsized a couple of times.
BUT… he was successful!

The third HR man who observed all this kneeled down and prayed: “God, please give me the strength, the means and the intelligence to cross this river!”

The God converted the HR man into an engineer. He took a quick glance on the map, walked a few meters upstream and crossed the bridge.


You have to be an engineer to think intelligent..haha.

p/s: credit to Arifin