Thursday, September 30, 2010
How did you get to work today?
Dreaming of a more enjoyable commute to work? Meet the Shweeb, a cross between a monorail train and a recumbent bike, where you sit inside an aerodynamically shaped pod hanging from a rail and pedal to propel yourself forward.
It's one of five ideas that have won a share of the $10 million prize money stumped up by Google for its Project 10100 competition – 10100 is 1 googol – which called for "ideas to change the world".
Those ideas came in thick and fast, with over 150,000 entries received in total. The winning five were announced last week after a public vote.
The Shweeb's developers bagged $1 million, and will put the money towards developing a system to be used by city commuters. They claim it could carry up to 1200 people an hour. A 200-metre-long test track where the pods can reach speeds of 50 kilometres per hour is already operating as a tourist attraction in Rotorua, New Zealand.
Other winners include the Khan Academy, which offers a free online library of educational videos, and, an organisation working to make US legal information, including court rulings, available online via a project called Law.Gov.
source : newscientist
Monday, September 27, 2010
Computer Problem Report Form
2. Now, describe the problem accurately:
3. Speculate wildly about the cause of the problem:
4. Problem Severity:
A. Minor__
B. Minor__
C. Minor__
D. Trivial__
5. Nature of the problem:
A. Locked Up__
B. Frozen__
C. Hung__
D. Strange Smell__
6. Is your computer plugged in? Yes__ No__
7. Is it turned on? Yes__ No__
8. Have you tried to fix it yourself? Yes__ No__
9. Have you made it worse? Yes__
10. Have you had "a friend" who "Knows all about computers" try to fix
it for you? Yes__ No__
11. Did they make it even worse? Yes__
12. Have you read the manual? Yes__ No__
13. Are you sure you've read the manual? Maybe__ No__
14. Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual? No__
15. If you read the manual, do you think you understood it? Yes__ No__
16. If 'Yes' then explain why you can't fix the problem yourself.
17. What were you doing with your computer at the time the problem occurred?
l8. If you answered 'nothing' then explain why you were logged in?
l9. Are you sure you aren't imagining the problem? Yes__ No__
20. Does the clock on your home VCR blink 12:00? Yes__ What's a VCR?__
21. Do you have a copy of 'PCs for Dummies'? Yes__ No__
22. Do you have any independent witnesses to the problem? Yes__ No__
23. Do you have any electronics products that DO work? Yes__ No__
24. Is there anyone else you could blame this problem on? Yes__ No__
25. Have you given the machine a good whack on the top? Yes__ No__
26. Is the machine on fire? Yes__ Not Yet__
27. Can you do something else instead of bothering me? Yes__
source : stolen from Douglas Chick website
Taqabbalullah Minna Waminkum
Bukanlah sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang memakai pakaian baru..tetapi sebenar-benar raya itu adalah bagi orang yang ketaatannya terus bertambah
Bukanlah sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang berhias-hias dengan pakaian dan kenderaan..tetapi sebenar-benar raya itu adalah bagi yang diampunkan dosa-dosanya
bukanlah sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang memperolehi dinar juga dirham..tetapi sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang mentaati Allah Tuhan yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun...
Diceritakan oleh al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani yang dinukilkan daripada Jubair bin Nufair ra dalam Kitab Fath Al-Bari :
“Apabila para sahabat Rasulullah saw bertemu di hari raya, sebahagian mereka mengucapkan kepada yang lain ‘taqabbalullah minna waminka’ (Semoga Allah menerima amalan kami dan amalanmu).”