Dreaming of a more enjoyable commute to work? Meet the Shweeb, a cross between a monorail train and a recumbent bike, where you sit inside an aerodynamically shaped pod hanging from a rail and pedal to propel yourself forward.
It's one of five ideas that have won a share of the $10 million prize money stumped up by Google for its Project 10100 competition – 10100 is 1 googol – which called for "ideas to change the world".
Those ideas came in thick and fast, with over 150,000 entries received in total. The winning five were announced last week after a public vote.
The Shweeb's developers bagged $1 million, and will put the money towards developing a system to be used by city commuters. They claim it could carry up to 1200 people an hour. A 200-metre-long test track where the pods can reach speeds of 50 kilometres per hour is already operating as a tourist attraction in Rotorua, New Zealand.
Other winners include the Khan Academy, which offers a free online library of educational videos, and PublicResource.org, an organisation working to make US legal information, including court rulings, available online via a project called Law.Gov.
source : newscientist
27. Can you do something else instead of bothering me? Yes__
source : stolen from Douglas Chick website
Bukanlah sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang memakai pakaian baru..tetapi sebenar-benar raya itu adalah bagi orang yang ketaatannya terus bertambah
Bukanlah sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang berhias-hias dengan pakaian dan kenderaan..tetapi sebenar-benar raya itu adalah bagi yang diampunkan dosa-dosanya
bukanlah sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang memperolehi dinar juga dirham..tetapi sebenar-benar raya itu bagi yang mentaati Allah Tuhan yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun...
Diceritakan oleh al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani yang dinukilkan daripada Jubair bin Nufair ra dalam Kitab Fath Al-Bari :
“Apabila para sahabat Rasulullah saw bertemu di hari raya, sebahagian mereka mengucapkan kepada yang lain ‘taqabbalullah minna waminka’ (Semoga Allah menerima amalan kami dan amalanmu).”